Over the last four weeks I have spent a great deal of time focusing on the new church I have been assigned to. We are exploring systems. In any setting there are three systems at work, technical, family and admin. Technical systems can create great havoc if you are unable to gather information, get reports, get connected, etc. There is work to do at Sydenstricker but there is also a group of people eager to do that work. Family systems outline how people interact with one another. In small rural churches there is almost always a matriarch or patriarch that calls the shots. Years ago I used to go into companies with the intent on bringing change. I would sit in meetings and pay attention to who answered the questions of who people looked at before answering. That person was the true power of the organization. I quickly needed them to become my friend if I hoped to bring change. The same is true in mid size and large churches. Someone is ultimately the person for groups of people and the sooner they are identified, the sooner your life gets at least more focused. Likewise each organization established protocols, procedures, styles of leadership and ways of getting things done. Learning how all that works can lead to smooth transistions or rocky lives. So that has been my focus for the last four weeks. We are on the way to a great journey with God's help if we can make sure the systems function effectively and efficiently.
Answering the call to discipleship is central I believe to being the church God is calling us to be. Being part of the body of Christ, becoming more like Jesus and joining Jesus where He is already working are tenets of that. Phil Maynard in his works, including From Membership to Discipleship and Shift has given us great guidance on how to implement Discipleship within the church. What truly would happen if we began to act like Christ and to share in compassion, healing, feeding and teaching like Christ? I believe that the church would become the church we are designed to be. I have seen it work.
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