Monday, August 6, 2012

Week nine and beyond - The Journey continues

Today marks eight weeks since the Open Heart surgery. For most of the medical profession this marks the end of treatment while I see this as the beginning of the journey. Rehab will continue for 17 more weeks and at the end I should be stronger and more fit than I have been in a while. Most of the people I have talked to said that their biggest regret was not continuing some sort of exercise program after rehab. I will endeavour not to have that regret. A little setback medically that the doctors are trying to figure out. Not heart related but related to the surgery so keep those prayers coming that it will be identified and settled quickly. It is more of a nuisance than anything else at this point. We are headed to Richmond this week at the end of the week for a Dentist appointment and to see family.
It's funny when God wants you to know something. Everything you read and hear seems to point in that direction. My sermons the last two weeks have been a bit harsh but point to the fact that we cannot ever get comfortable as long as there is injustice and poverty in the world. Our theological stance (what a big phrase) needs to be that we are willing to be in places of discomfort in order to further the Kingdom. That means taking stands on racial issues or poverty or apathy especially within our own communities and churches. I know deep down that my own spiritual journey is lacking at the moment and needs a renewal. So I will working hard on that. But meanwhile I feel moved to press forward with discipleship and a call to christian response in the world around us for the church.
I will continue to leave my random thoughts on this blog from time to time but this intentional focus on healing will likely no longer be weekly. Not sure who is following it anyway - maybe some feedback from others than Tom would help me know who is reading. Blessings and safe travel on your journey.


  1. Glad to see you are doing well. Keep the faith, Lisa and I will continue to pray for you all the way from CO!

    Craig Marshall

  2. Heaven help us if you can be more aggressive and focused for the gospel. LOL Hoping the hiccup is a small one and not an impediment to your recovery. Praying for both of you for healing, joy and travel mercies as you drive to the "main land." The theme of the walk is "I Believe." My talk song will be "Your Mercy and Kindness" from CD titled "No Greater Love." Go to and they have a store with samples of songs. Upbeat version of Psalm 23 - real upbeat, man! Blessings,
