Monday, July 30, 2012

Week Eight Begins

Today marks the seven week anniversary of my heart surgery. Much has happened in those seven weeks, most of which centers around healing. This week I got a little stronger, preached my first sermon from the pulpit in nine weeks and began the process of organizing an office due to a resignation of our church Admin. Plus, let me not forget a great Vacation Bible School, the first for the church in eight years. It was a full week that wore me out at times. Naps are a great gift of God!
Sunday I challenged the church to hope. First we hope for the promise of resurrection. Now that does not mean we are not sure, rather we anticipate the fulfillment of God's promise in our lives and begin to live as if we have already received the promise. Technically we have, but all too often people think it comes when we die. That is precisely why Jesus kept telling us that the Kingdom was near. As Paul says, though we see dimly now what we will see clearly in the future, we are given a taste of the kingdom now. I can truly appreciate what that means, realizing how fragile life can be.
Well, this week rehab starts. Looking forward to it.


  1. Jay said bravo about your healing. If I didn't mention it, I'm teaming on Richmond 107. DeColores.

  2. Tell Jay hello for me. Great to hear that you are teaming.
